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       Lesson Plans

Topic/Grade Level: Basic Economics (Kindergarten, Social Studies)


Common Core State Standard:   K.5.1 Identify wants and basic needs


ISTE Student Standard: 1.3.c Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.


Formative Assessment:

Students will demonstrate their understanding of wants and needs, by sorting and gluing pictures to the appropriate places on the Wants and Needs Formative Assessment Activity page.


Rubric: None needed


Activities to Support Assessment and Objective Mastery:

 1- TTW define needs and wants using a google slide show (created by the teacher).

2- Students will watch a video on needs and wants. BrainpopJr Needs and Wants

3- TTW read a story, “What Do We Need” by Trisha Callella

4- Students will discuss with groups needs and wants, then discuss as a class.

5- Practice:

Students will choose one activity or combine them to complete two google slides with a partner:

-    Search the internet for pictures of needs and wants. Create two google slides (one with needs and the other with wants). Students will present their slides to the class.

-    Use iPads to take pictures of needs and wants at home/school. Students create and upload pictures of needs and wants on a google slide. Students will present their slides to the class.


Essential questions: (Questions to guide discussions)

-What do all living creatures need to stay alive?

-What do people need to feel loved or cared for?

-What is the difference between something we need and something we want?

-Can you think of some objects you really want, but do not really need?


Technology Incorporated:

-Presentation to help students define needs and wants.

-Video on needs and wants.

-Researching pictures on the internet.

-Using google slides.

-Using an iPad to take pictures.






Topic/Grade Level: Operations and Algebraic Thinking (Kindergarten, Math)


Common Core State Standard:  K.OA.A.1 Understand addition as putting together.


ISTE Student Standard: 1.6 b Creative Communicator: Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.


Formative Assessment:

Students will demonstrate their understanding of addition (Ways of 5)  by drawing a creative story, using kidpix.


Rubric: None needed


 Activities to Support Assessment and Objective Mastery:

1- TTW discuss different ways to make 5. (using students, fingers, and pretzels)

2- Students will watch a video on ways to make 5. Ways to Make 5 Using Drawings

3- TTW introduce students to stories of ways to make 5. Example: There were 2 ducks playing in the yard and 3 more ducks came to join them. How many ducks in all? Students will use props to act out the story.

4- Students get in groups of 5 and come up with their own stories on how to make 5, using animal masks and props to act out their stories.

5- TLW create a video using iPads to act out their group's way of 5.

6-TLW will upload their videos on the classroom YouTube channel.

7-Groups will share their videos with the class. 


Guiding questions: (Questions to guide their ways to make 5)

-What animal are you going to choose?

-What will the animals be doing (playing, swimming, sleeping, eating, etc.…)?

-Which way of 5 will you create a story for? (1+4, 2 +3, 5 + 0)


Technology Incorporated:

-YouTube video on ways to make 5.

-Uploading video to the classroom YouTube channel

-Using an iPad to make a video.

©2022 by Rae Darbonne. Proudly created with

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